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Real Estate Principles and Practice Launch

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The course serves as a foundation for all content areas in Real Estate.


Course Syllabus: Real Estate Principles and Practices

Welcome to Real Estate Principles and Practices, an introductory and foundation course to the real estate industry and salesperson career. Thank you for choosing the Electronic Technical Institute (ETI) to help you achieve your future learning and career goals; we are so excited to work with you in your next endeavor. You will take four courses total to be eligible to sit and take the exam to earn your Ohio real estate license.

This course will consist of study guides that correlate with your textbook, along with the applied practice of terminology and course concepts, and practice quiz assessments to help you prepare for the final course assessment, which are found under the Lessons tab of your course on the left hand side. On your course syllabus, anything highlighted in YELLOW is a QUIZ for your Gradebook. You will also find all of these quizzes under the Lessons tab of your course on the left hand side. You will also find your Gradebook on the left hand side of this portal and can view this at anytime. You are given up to ten times for each Quiz, but only are required to take once. Your best score will be recorded if you choose to do more than once for additional practice. We encourage you do these quizzes until you earn at least a 75-85% accuracy rate to ensure competency.

The final assessment for the course will ultimately determine your overall grade; however all quizzes must be complete in your gradebook for course completion. You must earn 70% or higher to pass this course and become closer to earning your real estate license. In order to complete this course, please follow the path set for you below, which has been designed according to course concepts. Note: You will not follow the text in order, but rather learn concepts based on how they correlate.

Real Estate Principles and Practice Syllabus

Part 1: Introduction to the Real Estate Business

·         Course pre-assessment - LESSONS tab of this portal

·         Course objectives and key vocabulary

·         Unit 1 text (Introduction to the Real Estate Business): CLICK HERE

·         Introductory Quiz - LESSONS tab of this portal


Part 2: Real Property Vs Personal Property

  • Unit 2 text (Real Property and the Law): CLICK HERE
  • Real Property Quiz - LESSONS tab of this portal


 Part 3: Land Use Controls and Government Involvement

  • Chapter 15 (Government Involvement in Real Estate Financing): CLICK HERE
  • Chapter 20 (Land Use Controls and Property Development): CLICK HERE
  • Land Use and Government Control Quiz - LESSONS tab of this portal


Part 4: Legal and Land Descriptions

  • Unit 6 text (Land Description): CLICK HERE
  • Land Description Quiz - LESSONS tab of this portal


Part 5: Interests and Titles in Real Estate

  • Unit 4 text (Interests in Real Estate): CLICK HERE
  • Unit 5 text (Forms of Real Estate Ownership): CLICK HERE
  • Unit 7 text (Transfer of Title): CLICK HERE
  • Unit 8 text (Title Records): CLICK HERE
  • Interests and Titles QuizLESSONS tab of this portal


Part 6: Selling Real Estate

  • Mid-Check Pre-assessment - LESSONS tab of this portal
  • Unit 3 text (Fair Housing): CLICK HERE
  • Unit 9 text (Real Estate Brokerage CLICK HERE
  • Unit 10 text (Real Estate Agency): CLICK HERE
  • Unit 11 text (Client Representation Records): CLICK HERE
  • Unit 12 text (Real Estate Contracts): CLICK HERE
  • Unit 14 text (Real Estate Financing CLICK HERE
  • Unit 16 text (Real Estate Appraisal): CLICK HERE
  • Course Midpoint Matching Activity
  • Midpoint Formal Assessment - LESSONS tab of this portal


Part 7: Leases, Property Management, and Investment

  • Unit 18 text (Leases): CLICK HERE
  • Unit 19 text (Property Management):  CLICK HERE
  • Unit 22 text (Investment in Real estate): CLICK HERE
  • Leases, Property Management and Investment in Real Estate Quiz - LESSONS tab of this portal


Part 8: Real Estate Math

  • Math Introduction CLICK HERE
  • Math Section 1 (Introduction to Calculators) CLICK HERE
  • Math Section 2 (Measurement Problems) CLICK HERE
  • Math Section 3 (Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages) CLICK HERE
  • Math Section 4 (Percentage Problems) CLICK HERE
  • Math Section 5 (Proration Problems) CLICK HERE
  • Math Practice Problems CLICK HERE
  • Math Quiz - LESSONS tab of this portal



Part 9: Miscellaneous Texts/Supplemental Materials for Mastery Test

  • Unit 17 text (Closing the Real Estate Transaction): CLICK HERE
  • Closing the Real Estate Transaction Quiz - LESSONS tab of this portal
  • Unit 21 text (Environmental Issues and the Real Estate Transaction): CLICK HERE
  • Environmental Issues and the Real Estate Transaction Quiz - LESSONS tab of this portal
  • Unit 23 text (Ohio Real Estate License Laws): CLICK HERE
  • Ohio Real Estate License Laws Quiz - LESSONS tab of this portal
  • FINAL ASSESSMENT Matching Activity & Quiz= LESSONS tab of this portal You must earn a  70% or higher on this Final Assessment to pass & complete all Quizzes for course completion.



Here is the class outline:

Introductory Concepts to Real Estate

Learning Objectives: When you have finished reading this unit, you will be able to list and describe the various careers available in the real estate industry; discuss the role of primary professional organizations, including the services and designations they offer the real estate practitioner and the ethical codes they establish; list and describe the different classifications and characteristics of real property; & explain the factors which influence and affect supply and demand in the real estate market.

Real Property Vs. Personal Property

Learning Objectives: When you have finished reading this unit, you will be able to discuss the concepts of land and ownership rights in real property; distinguish between real and personal property and the differences in transferring ownership and title; describe and explain the basic economic and physical characteristics of real property; & discuss the limitations of the real estate professional under the law.

Land Use Controls & Government Involvement

Learning Objectives: When you have finished reading this unit on Land Use Controls, you will be able to explain the concept of police power and the provisions under which it protects the public health, safety, and welfare; explain zoning, ordinances, permits, and property use; define building codes as they relate to the requirements and restrictions placed on construction standards; explain the issues and regulations involved in subdivisions; explain non-governmental (private) land use restrictions: covenants, conditions, and restrictions (CC&Rs); describe the various laws and agencies which regulate land sales When you have finished reading this unit on Government Involvement, you will be able to explain the primary and secondary mortgage marketplaces, the roles of the parties in each, and the impact on the parties through government influence; describe the difference between conventional, government, and private loan programs available for real estate financing; describe the various alternative and special purpose loan programs which can meet a borrower’s special needs; explain the primary government regulations which govern real estate lending and provide consumer protection against unfair lending practices.

Legal/Land Descriptions

Learning Objectives : When you have finished reading this unit, you will be able to identify and explain the methods used for describing real estate; explain the process involved in identifying and measuring property rights including those above and below the surface.

Interests and Title in Real Estate

Ownership of a parcel of real estate includes all or some of the bundle of rights, depending on the type of interest a person holds in the property. Even the most complete ownership the law allows may be limited by public and private restrictions. These restrictions are intended to ensure that one owner’s use and enjoyment of the property owned does not interfere with others’ use and enjoyment of their property or with the welfare of the general public. For example, a zoning ordinance might not allow a convenience store to be built in a residential neighborhood, a condo association bylaw might prohibit rental of a unit without board approval, and an easement allowing neighbors to use a property owner’s private beach might deter a future buyer of the property.

Deeds, Title, and Interest Matching

Match the following pictures with the appropriate terms.

Selling Real Estate

Now that you have read through the introductory course materials and understand critical background information, these next units are grouped together so that you can learn important components related to selling real estate. The expectation is that you will read the assigned units in the text, practice course concepts with the supplemental materials provided, and then take the assessment as the end to test your understanding.

Leases, Property Management, and Investment in Real Estate

Although some owners of rental units manage their own properties (a real estate license is not required to do so), most rental properties are professionally managed. In many states, property managers are required to hold a real estate broker’s or property manager’s license. As with all real estate services, a real estate sales associate can only manage property with the consent of the employing broker and in the broker’s name. Real estate professionals should be knowledgeable about the local rental market to better assist prospective buyers who may need temporary housing, those who prefer to rent a home or cannot afford to purchase one, or investor-buyers, or to manage their own portfolios. In any case, anyone with an interest in rental property should be aware of the basic provisions of leases and management agreements, and other landlord-tenant issues.

Licensing Laws, Closing Transactions, Environmental Issues: Focus and Finish these remaining Text...

Closing Transactions, Environmental Issues and Licensing laws.

Real Estate Professional Practices

Fair Housing Laws, Property Disclosures, Other Professional Practices

Real Estate Math

Now that you have learned the main concepts of this course, practice the application with these math problems.


This is your final Post-Assessment. Make sure you are prepared by going through the required lessons and quizzes in this course. You must complete all quizzes for course completion. A score of at least 70% or higher is required on this FINAL ASSESSMENT in order to pass this class. You may have up to 10 attempts before contacting your administration for special release if needed more than the allowable 10 attempts provided.

Finished all 4 courses, what's next?

Refer back to this lesson once you have completed/passed all 4 courses and you are ready to take for your Real Estate Salesperson Exams. - There are 2 portions, 1 portion is the STATE portion and the other portion is the NATIONAL portion. A person may pass one at a time and schedule to re-take another portion. Click inside this lesson for more information.

CRAM QUIZ - not required

Here you will find over 300 questions focused to help you pass your state and national salesperson exam. You will also find a page with some helpful websites and additional resources to help prepare you for the exams. These are not required to be implemented or completed to pass this class. These are simply intended for additional practice if needed and also some helpful websites that you will use during your real estate career.


The following certificates are awarded when the class is completed:

Completion certificate